OSP Scholarship
OSP has created a scholarship program to be awarded to a high school senior or current college student who is pursuing college degrees in the performing arts. Each year, OSP will make available four (4) scholarships of $500.00 each to deserving candidates.
To apply for the scholarship the student must:
Be a high school senior or college student at the time of application.
Have been an active participant with OSP within the last 4 years.
Provide a letter of recommendation from an educator outlining the characteristics that qualify the student for this scholarship. Must also state what college they are attending and in what area of performing arts they will major.
Submit the completed application, including the student essay by March 15, 2024.
Note: OSP will not acknowledge receipt of this form unless a self-addressed, stamped envelope accompanies it.
Selection of recipients:
This grant will be awarded to up to four students.
A committee will judge all submitted applications.
All applications will be reviewed anonymously by the committee judges.
Judges may choose to not award a grant if, in their collective opinion, no applicant qualifies.
Those applicants who do not meet all of the above criteria will be disqualified.
Dates to remember:
March 15, 2024 – Completed application MUST be received at the address listed below.
April 15, 2024 – Scholarship recipients are notified.
Send application to:
Old Schoolhouse Players
C/O Janet Okarma
1517 Millers Run Road
McDonald, PA 15057
Attn: Scholarship