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Becoming a patron to The Old Schoolhouse Players is an excellent opportunity to support "Broadway in the Country" and help OSP improve your theatre experience. If you'd like to make a donation to OSP, you can send a check  by mail and make it out to The Old Schoolhouse Players to 20 Wabash Avenue, Hickory, PA 15340.

Sign Up to become a Patron

Please select your Patron Level

Patrons financial contributions are greatly appreciated and past support has provided many additions to our theater including improvement to: new seating, sound, and lighting equipment


You can make a donation to The Old Schoolhouse Players by sending a check through the mail to 20 Wabash Avenue, Hickory, PA, 15340.


This is a great and economical way to reach potential customers for your business. OSP will display you company's ad on our supporter board in our theater and on our website.


Ad displayed on Supporter Board and website



Your Ad or logo used on our set, prop, or costume for at least 2 productions.



Sponsor a show. Please call 724.344.7457 for details.

Price varies per show.

Choose Your Package

Advertisement Materials:


We will need a copy of you logo, URL to business website, and description or mission of business or you may provide your own ad. 



Full page: 6inx9in

Half page: 6inx4.5in

Qtr page: 3.4x4.5in



Company logo (JPEG., PNG. or EPS. accepted)

Ads should be 600x400px or 640x640px

Thanks for submitting!

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